
August 24, 2010

Move What?

Remember when I used to post stuff?


I just finished my first move-in as a professional staff member at ISU, and geez was it something else. I had it EASY as the student director!

Needless to say, I am currently working veryyyyyyyyy long hours. (ie. work by 7:30, home by 9pm) with a break for lunch. It's getting exhausting, but I am trying to keep my head in the game for the next few weeks to get a schedule down with all my employees.

Did you ever thing I'd be the one supervising 55 employees?

Me either.

On that note, it's 11:30pm and I know that tomorrow will be a long one, I need to get some sleep! Hopefully this weekend I will be able to update a little on move-in, how my office has changed, and my work friends!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Can you imagine ever telling your move-in director self that it would be even harder as professional staff???? Good luck as the school year starts and hopefully things settle down a little. The beginning of the year is always crazy!