
August 11, 2010

Being Grow-ed Up: My New Office

So, I am all moved into my new apartment... and there is this thing that comes along with it... a job! For the first two weeks, the new staff members (myself included) were in an intense training process. There was maybe a half an hour here, a half an hour there that we were actually in our offices. During those times, I started to gather supplies and set up my electronics. Here is the before state:

During the two total hours I had during those two weeks, I managed to gather a lot of junk! Before this picture was taken, tech came and took away the THREE extra phones that were in my office for some reason!

A few from my desk to the door... looking just a bit drab, I need some decor ideas!

A few from my desk to the other part of my office. Another random desk? I tried moving it and it almost crumbled into a bunch of pieces. Oops! Looks like it'll stay there for awhile longer...

This week we are given a lot more office hours so I started to organize the stuff that I had been collecting. Plus my mom was great and gave me some stuff to help - including a plant! That definitely helps me feel comfortable. :)

My desk all cleared up and starting to look more organized. Since this picture was taken, I've even added more stuff!

At my desk on my first full day in the office! My good friend, Auto, took this picture. Auto Timer.

My door!

I created this little number today to put on my door so people know where I am! It's got a bunch of trees on it. :)

That's my life right now! Desk, apartment... cant wait til people start moving in!! I'll update you on how life changes when that happens! :)


Erin said...

Ahhhhhhh thats so awesome!!! Yay grown-up Amy!!!

Stephanie said...

I LOVE the sign you made so people know where you are. Not only useful, but SUPER cute and SO you. Have you gotten anything else decorated? Do you need some ideas? What kind of wall space do you have?