
May 22, 2010

Agriculture Awards

Some times I forget that I am in the agriculture department. Well, it's hard to forget when the guy I sit next to smells like cow manure, or when the group in the back of the room is trading snuff with each other, or when I take a class called "Biotechnology and Plant Breeding." I mean its hard to remember when my extra circular activities are not agriculture related! All of my free time went to residence hall government from freshman year on, and this took away from opportunities to be active in the ag department.

For some reason, however, I was nominated for Senior of the Year in the department! I was stunned when I got the letter. I tried to be active in my own way by being an undergraduate teaching assistant and volunteering with the ISU horticulturist. But none of that compared to the other seniors nominated!

It was an honor and I accepted and went to the ceremony. I think one thing I had going for me was my GPA and the professors I got close with for the past four years. Even though I had no chance to win, it was fun to see other peers get recognized for their hard word. I sort of realized what it felt like for someone who is only partially active in ARH or Housing to sit through our award ceremonies! Nonetheless it was fun!

Senior of the Year was the second to last portion of the program, but my lovely roommate agreed to join me so I wasn't alone! We giggled at how most of the farmer boys still looked like... farmers, even when they were being nominated for big awards! I can thank her for the pictures!

This is a picture of the chair of the department! He is a really nice guy and was always there for me if I needed something!

The group of us who were nominated! I love how bright we look! :) The girl second to the left won and the guy on the way left won the most prestigious award in the department! I was certainly in good company for sure!

Receiving my certificate for my work in the department!

All things considered, it was a really great honor! This was the Sunday of Spring Retreat, so Shannon and I were wiped out and I was certainly not as qualified as the rest of the nominees, but it was definitely fun.

Speaking of which, I need to go unpack some more and find that certificate and hang it up! :)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Oh my goodness! You and your rewards! I am so proud of you!