
January 17, 2010

SALT Saga Part 3

Ok, people.... we are on the HOME STRETCH HERE!

Today: January 17th
SALT winner announced: January 20th
Days left to wait: 3
Status of my nerves: fried
Plan to get myself to Wednesday: Not a clue
Chance of me focusing in classes on Wednesday: .05%

I am currently wishing I had a fancy blackberry or iPhone so I could check my email ALL DAY. I am very anxious to hear who the winner is! I have a gut feeling we will not pull through, but who knows!


Stephanie H said...

I'll be thinking about you!!! PLEASE let me know as soon as you hear. On Wednesdays I don't get to my computer until late. So I'd love an email or text!

Judy said...

Hang in there and don't drive yourself nuts...well, at least not TOO nuts! Keeping my fongers crossed.

Judy said...

Oops... I'll keep my fingers crossed as well!!