
January 5, 2010

2010?!? New Years!

When I was a kid, 2010 was REALLY far away, and it meant that it was going to make me an old lady. I'd be graduating college, the state quarters would all be in circulation, and we'd be driving flying cars.

Hmm, at least two of those seem to be happening! This year, I was lucky enough to spend New Years with Stephanie and her fiance's family! This is the second year that they invited me to their celebration, and I am so glad they did! Everyone in that family seems to have a Wii... and boy is that game fun! Between the hula hooping, dancing, and bowling, I think we all burned off the calories we were consuming that night!

Part of the group playing the dancing game! It looks like some sort of aerobics game, doesn't it?

Stephanie and I joked about Adam needing some dance lessons before the wedding ;-)

During the night, Austin played music for us and sounded like a cheesy announcer! Tony joined in on announcer bits throughout the evening

Adam couldn't resist, and wanted to sing as well! We found out that he sounds like a bingo announcer when he talks into the microphone!

Another fun New Years with my 'cousin'! We sort of look alike here, too!

Uh oh! Our DD was getting a little sleepy by the end of the night!

We had a blast, and if you were lucky enough, you'd get to see some of the ridiculous videos of us dancing and hula hooping... but I will let that remain a mystery for you readers. :) It wasn't a pretty sight anyway! I definitely can say I rang 2010 in right!

1 comment:

Stephanie H said...

This was so ridiculously fun!