
June 1, 2010

June 1st - New Years Resolutions!

I have definitely slacked off when it's been updating time! Since the last time I updated, graduation and surgery was getting in the way! BUT, it's time for me to be on time... here we go! Reminder of the resolutions:

  • Be more on time: I am not ALWAYS late or INCREDIBLY late, but I need to work on it in general. I'm known for breezing in just a few minutes late :\
  • Shrug it off: As EVERYONE knows, I worry about everything-all the time-all day. I plan on letting the small things go. It'll help me so much to not worry so much!
  • Swear less: I don't cuss like a sailor, but I do need to work on my language a little!
  • Say no: I'm not sure how successful this one will be, but sometimes I get so stressed out because I cannot learn how to say no to people. This is my attempt to look out for myself a little more!
And here are my assessments as of June 1st:
  • Be more on time: Remember that one time that Stephanie was celebrating Stephanie's birthday and she said, "Let's meet at 5pm" and I text her at 7pm saying I'll be ready soon? Yeah ok, that was partially a miscommunication, but I'm not doing so great! Once summer started, I forgot about these, so I need to get back into the game!
  • Shrug it off: I can actually thank my dear roommate for this progress! Some random drama has followed me home, and I was really stressing out about it! I texted her randomly one night (I'm talking 2am) and she talked (typed?) me through the situation and stuck with me the next day, too. Her help that night has gotten me to shrug off randomly bothering things! Thanks Shannon :)
  • Swear less: If I were to say that I was improving, my mom would comment and say, "No even close!" It's true, my language was pretty strong near the end of the year. For some reason I resort to that when I'm stressed or frustrated! Not too lady-like though.
  • Say no: Well currently, I have about zero obligations so it's been easy to say no! Not sure if this is an appropriate time to say I'm doing better, but I will anyway since I sort of failed on the first three this past month!
I'm glad to have looked at this again because I needed to remember what I wanted to improve by the end of the year! What are your resolutions? We are almost half way through 2010, how are you doing?

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Yah...I remember that time! But the next day you were more on time!