Bunion Funion.
Yeah, it sounds dumb! But it's a source of amusement for me!
Ok, where was this going? Ah yes! The bunion! It isn't actually "fun-ion!"
As you may recall, I graduated ISU on May 8th, and it was quite exciting! But something a little less exciting, yet necessary, was surgery on my foot. As I talked about here, I went to the doctor to get a bump on my foot checked out because it was extremely painful. It turned out to be a bunion. Be sure to read up on that post if you don't know what one is!
It is NOT an oozey thing that old ladies have. Actually, cute 20-somethings get them too!
Back to the surgery. It was scheduled for May 11th. Gross! 3 days after graduation. I tried to live up my 1 day of summer, but let's face it... there wasn't much to do with everyone else in school or crappy weather! But couldn't put it off... it needed to be done!
The slicing-Amy's-foot party was scheduled for 11am, so we had to check in by 10am. Which means I had to stop eating by midnight and stop drinking by 4am. Umm, that's a LONG time for Amy to not eat! I stayed up til 4am so I would sleep all the way until we needed to leave instead of being awake and cranky. (Did that really work? I'm not sure, ask my mom!)
Checked in, got changed, and was given an IV.... and THEN was told that my doctor was 2 patients behind. At this point it was 11am, and I was pretty hungry. Ok, so I have to wait. Awesome. I HATE WAITING. They brought my mom back and we pretty much sat... in silence. I was grumpy that the doctor was so late, I was hungry, and IVs make me have to pee. THREE HOURS LATER, we are told that he is finally ready for me. Finally!!!
They asked me if I needed anything, and after going to the bathroom as I sucked down an IV bag, I answered, "A rack of ribs." People laughed, "Haha that Amy is a funny one!"
Yeah, no. I was serious. By 2pm, I was beyond hungry, I was becoming cannibalistic.
After being told that I was ready to go and wasn't going to be under general anesthesia, I was ready. Here we go, essentially ruining any type of summer by breaking a few bones in my foot! Yay, let's do this.
When I woke up an hour later, the first thing I told the nurse was, "Please tell the anesthesiologist that I feel great and I love her." Ooops, I get really affectionate after surgery. After my first one, I remember calling for the male nurse, Pat over and over again. And no, he wasn't young and cute, he was like 60.
I was wheeled to post-surgery recovery and I got some instructions from the nurses. I felt great, honestly! Usually I am very sick from anesthesia, but not this time. Oh, and still hungry... did I mention that? Mom took me home and went to fill my pain meds and pick up dinner. Wanna guess what she got?
A rack of ribs from Portillos!
Well, she bought 2 racks thinking the three of us (with my dad) would share. Again... yeah, no. I showed no mercy as I polished off a rack of ribs, coleslaw, breadsticks, and a glass of water. Suggestion, don't deprive me of food for that long. Yum yum, thanks mom!!!
Want to see what my foot looked like? Hmm, well I am warning you RIGHT NOW that it's not pretty, but it's interesting to see what was done! I even painted my nails to make it less horrifying! :) Here we go!
My dad thinks its because I walked on it four days after surgery, but hey... the bruise never actually hurt so it's ok! :)
Whew! Gross huh? Well, I didn't ask you to look at those pictures, so no blaming me for posting it! Hahaha, good news, all of that was one week after surgery, so just imagine how things are looking right now! In fact, you don't have to imagine much longer, I'll post it in a bit. And no, the pictures aren't any less gross (come on, when are feet NOT gross?) but the swelling is MUCH better! :) Despite the pain and inconvenience, I am glad I did this with the doctor that I did it with!
Glad to hear everything went pretty well (expect for the starving poor Amy thing). By the way Amy....you definitely write like you talk. I love it. Especially the "yeah. No" Amy thing. Also! "Bunion Funion" made me laugh out loud and it is fun to say....Bunion Funion......Bunion Funion......Bunion Funion
I'm so glad it is healing so quickly and so well!
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