
April 3, 2010

Doesn't "bunion" sound like something that pusses?

For my entire life, I have had strange feet. Let's face it, I have clown feet. Ever since I was in first grade, I was the girl with HUGE feet. I can legitimately tell you that I have NEVER shared shoes with a girlfriend or cousin. In fact, when I was in sixth grade, my dad's youngest sister used to give me shoes she didn't want - and they fit me! Let's keep in mind the age difference!

In addition to the boats I have for feet, they have been shapped funny - typically calling for me to not only purchase a size ginormous, but also a wide. Talk about a difficult way to shop for shoes!!! I had surgery on my left ankle 2 years ago because I tore a ligament on the outer muscle. The doctor did a great job repairing it and "tightening" everything up. That foot is now, and I'm totally serious here, narrower and smaller. My right foot however, it has been an ISSUE.

I don't know if you heard, but Bloomington Normal had about 139823 feet of snow this year. I searched high and low for snow boots that I could wear, and found a few pairs that I loved! After a few days in the same shoe, my foot would ache really bad! What the heck! I had to keep rotating shoes every other day or my foot would swell and be red.

One day, the swelling was so bad, I just called my doctor from my first surgery and scheduled an appointment. They asked me to come in as soon as possible to get it checked out. Oh yay!!! I called my parents and they weren't even surprised that I had some weird problem. I sent them these pictures.

(Disclaimer: if you just ate or have problems with feet, I would suggest skipping these pictures!)

Check out my right foot. Do you see that bump on the big knuckle?

Here, maybe this will help:

Haha, that's what was really hurting me, swelling, turning red, and making it impossible to walk.

Of course I had theories about my foot growth/bump but I didn't really have time to worry about it. Over spring break, I went to the doctor. The doctor's assistant took a look and my foot and made a face. SHE MADE A FACE. Ok, there's no like... warts on it or anything! She scheduled an x-ray to give the doctor all he needed to make a diagnosis.

Well, here is the x-ray with his pen marks on it:

That's my right foot. Can you see the pen marks? Well, they are a little faint, but the doctor needs to break 2 bones to repair the problem - and then screw them together. Eeek!!

So what's the problem, you ask? I have a bunion. Here was my reaction when he told me that. "...." Yeah, what the heck is a bunion? You say bunion to me, I think a puss filled sac that old women have on their feet. The doctor, seeing my confusion, explain that a bunion is actually a bone deformity. As my feet grew and I had trouble finding shoes, the deformity grew and got worse. He advised that I not wait much longer. He also found a bone spur, arthritis, and other junk floating in there.


Well that sure does explain a lot! No wonder my big toe cracks ALL the time! No wonder it has gotten worse as I've gotten older! Despite all that, what remains is surgery. :\ It's definitely hard to comprehend how breaking 2 bones, screwing them together, and sanding down other bones will make this all better - and why you would want to!!! But really, if it helps and lets me wear shoes, I'm excited!

3 hours the appointment, the scheduling office called and scheduled me for a 10:30am surgery on May 11th.

Just an FYI: I graduate on May 8th! 3 days after I finish college they are breaking my bones! I am to the point where I find this amusing. Does anyone else? I had 3 surgeries in high school, and 3 in college. "Special" I tell you!!!! It'll be an interesting start to my summer. Please, come over and hang out! I'm not sure if you put the pieces together or not - but surgery on my right foot really keeps me from driving.... for a long time!!


Andrea Nicholas said...

Dear Amy,

I love you, I totally just found out you had this little blog deal. I'm sorry to hear about your foot :( I enjoyed your pictures especially the red arrow...ha least they know how to fix it...unlike the doctors I've been seeing.

Anyways I will totally come visit you seeing as we'll both be back in Schaumburg and since I'm still lacking in the job department I should have plenty of free time. ;)

Hope you have a great rest of your semester! Goodness how time flies!

Love you and miss you,

Stephanie said...

Crazy that you have to have sugery on it! So many people just live with bunions. I hope yuo heal quickly!

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious. My feet are pretty big too. What size are yours?

AmyLuvsTrees said...

Lol, sorry I just noticed this comment... I have size 10 feet!