
February 19, 2012

V-A Christmas

It's become a tradition to post about the annual V-A Christmas on my blog... granted I usually get it posted before FEBRUARY, but let's not get greedy. ;-)

If you want to relive last year's V-A Christmas, check it out here.

This year was just as wonderful as any of the other celebrations that have occurred in my life... except we got to share it with 4 more people than usual! Doug's girlfriend, Kate, Erin's fiance', Wael, and Stephanie and Erin's grandparents joined us this year. I was GIDDY about how much love was going to be in the house this year. I was thrilled enough that Erin was going to be in town... but we got to add so many other wonderful people. This year's celebration was at our house.

We started the night with watching Doug's video portfolio from school. I loved how all of us crammed into our family room to watch what Doug has worked on this year!
Afterwards, Doug gave us a quick lesson about editing sound and such
It's also a tradition that we eat pasta every year!
We had an extra long dinner table this year! Loved it!
The very full Christmas tree! This makes my heart sing... I can't even describe all of the thoughtful gifts!
I gave Stephanie some texting gloves! The thumbs come free so you can text in winter! hehe

I got Wael a game for his Wii! We never got to play it though! :( Maybe this summer!
Uncle Ed got an e-book!
My mom ordered Aunt Kathy herb markers for when she grows herbs in summer!
We wanted to make sure Mommom and Poppop felt the love, so they got some gifts too! And so did their darling dog, Annie! :)
Erin and I during present opening! <3
Wael got a Chicago Cubs hoodie from my parents! Represent Chi-town!! Haha
My mom realized her gift was wrapped in paper that was fuzzy! She had to show Doug and Kate. haha. She got new lighting for her craft room!!
Don't fear, Stephanie! We got you herb markers, too!!!
Stephanie wrapped her gifts with brown paper and a black and white picture of the person the gift was for and her. How adorable was that?!!
Stephanie and me after gift opening!! <3
I also got a picture with Erin and her wonderful fiance, Wael. It was SO fun to spend a V-A Christmas with him... and hopefully be many more to come!
And last but not least... a picture of the three girl cousins. They are basically sisters to me! Love you two!

Actually, waiting until February to post about V-A Christmas has given me the opportunity to relive and enjoy this year's celebration! I just sat here smiling this whole time about how great it was this year. I hope next year's Christmas is just as big and full of love. I LOVE this tradition!

See you next year for another installment of V-A Christmas!!!

1 comment:

Judy said...

Yes, it truly was a wonderful Christmas celebration this year! Good friends, good food, good times. Thanks to you all for sharing it with us!