
December 24, 2010

There's a man in my ceiling...

So for about 2.5 months, my shower was basically being the devil. Every time I set the water at a reasonable temperature... it would scream at me.

Yes, I mean SCREAM. If I had to type it out... it would be like this.


For the ENTIRETY of the time I had it set at the temperature that wouldn't freeze my leg hair or scorch off a layer of skin, it would sound like this. Needless to say, it was starting to drive me NUTS.

I decided I finally had enough (why I got thru 2.5 months, I have no idea...) and I put in a work order. Since I live in the halls, I can put in requests for maintenance things and the building mechanic will come and fix them for me - for free! I put the request in with the hopes that he could fix it. I am busy on Thursdays, so I never saw him (his name is Steve). Usually when he does maintenance in my apartment, he'll stop by my office and give me updates. Well, that wasn't the case sadly this time.

After a long day, I finally got home around 5pm. I went into my bathroom to, well... you know. And I noticed it smelled funny. Huh? I moved the door and saw what the source was...

Ahhh! That would be because my shower is in pieces and someone left their tools behind!

I kid you not... I stared at this for a good minute or two in awe. Usually Steve NEVER leaves a project undone, and certainly without telling me first. I sighed but figured I could get through one night until he could come back to fix it.

I changed into some comfy clothes and collapsed on the couch. Yay, I could finally just SIT down! Not even 5 minutes later, a got a knock on the door. Huh? No one knocks on my door... and if they do, it's usually in the middle of the night cuz they are drunk...

I checked the peep hole. Hmm, looks like a scruff man with tools. Interesting. I opened the door to be greeted by Jeff, the plumber as he introduced himself. He walked right over to my bathroom and inspected it. He apologized for leaving the job half undone... but it turns out my shower is so old he didn't have pieces with him to fix it! Lol, of course...

I maintained my position on the couch while he worked from about 5:30pm until 9:30pm. Yes... me and Jeff the Plumber hung out for FOUR HOURS. He was determined to fix the problem! At once point he went into my ceiling...

Yes, I am aware of how creepy this is!

He went into various parts of my ceiling, since almost all of it is drop down. My kitchen... my bedroom... my living room... he couldn't find the switches to turn off the water. He ended up leaving to find a taller ladder. I knew exactly where the water shut off was... I looked once! So while he was gone, I went into the backroom, turned the light on and moved everything out of the way... I thought maybe he would get the hint.

Haha, luckily he did... but he also brought another man with him. This guy was about 6 foot 5 inches. And DAMN was he tall. This was the guy that went into the ceiling the second time around. Haha, I could hear him crawling around and it was call I could do to pray that he didn't fall through. He was a big guy!

Well, by the end of this, they ended up fixing my shower. I got brand new pieces and it works like a dream. The pressure is fixed, the temperature is perfect, and it doesn't scream. Lol, I always tell people how "special" my apartment is... and this sure does put the icing on the cake! I wonder what else I will come across this year.....

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

So did you take the photo of the man in your ceiling with the flash off so he didn't know you were taking it? Ha! So happy your shower is normal now!