
February 12, 2011

I was bored...

... So I decided to get my appendix removed.

Wondering where I've been recently? Well, that would be recovering from major surgery! I know, I know, I can already hear most of you... "Really, Amy? Really?" Haha, well I have nothing to say back to that! Let me tell you about it... with pictures!

On Monday, January 31st I basically had an insane day at work. I was running around like crazy, everyone was freaking out about a potential blizzard, and I slipped and fell outside of Ham Whit. That was all in the morning! Want to see my knee? I thought so.


So it turns out, the puddle I slipped in was actually coming up from the sidewalk... because a water main burst outside of the residence hall. Really?! By the time I told my building mechanic about it, all of facilities arrived to survey the situation. Broken water main about side a residence hall? Never a good thing.

As the day progressed, we found out that they were going to have to turn off the water in the area to fix the problem. Yikes. No water for 1600 residents? Quickly, I learned that we were going to be under a boil order for a day or two, and we would have to get bottled water to each desk as soon as possible.

After three hours of hauling water, organizing the desks, and making announcements, I finally got home for the day. Of course, I burst into to tears, for a variety of reasons. First, I literally got nothing done all day. Second, I was exhausted. Third, I wore heals all day and my foot (see: bunion surgery) was killing me. I don't even remember the rest of the night, but I know I was tired and frustrated. I went to bed early, anticipating a hectic Tuesday because of the snow.

Well, I got woken up around 2am instead. Why? Oh, that would be because of the intense, searing, HORRIBLE pain in my abdomen. It started off mild, and I had more nausea than anything. I had a few friends who were recovering from the flu at the time, so I thought maybe I was coming down with that. I had serious chills and it was about 3am when my abdomen pain was taking over.

I got about 10 minutes of sleep at a time until about 5:00am.

At that point, I was in so much pain, I couldn't move. I had gotten to my couch somehow and I literally couldn't swing my legs to get off of it. I texted my mom to call me. What was she going to do? I don't know... but moms always make everything better, so I had to call her. She called me immediately. I couldn't even talk on the phone, it hurt so bad. She urged me to go to the hospital. We hung up and I texted a few people who I thought could drive me. Finally, a coworker and friend, Mike said he could bring me.

As he warmed up his car and got dressed, I managed to shove a few things into my purse and put some clothes on. He picked me up and dropped me off to the ER, which is just a few blocks from campus. I was in tears from moving from my apartment to a car to the ER. The lady in registration immediately got me checked in and I was in a room before I could process what was going on. By the time I was settled, it was about 7am.

After some blood and other tests, I was given an IV and pain meds. AMAZING. I felt really horrible for a few minutes and then it took away all my pain... and promptly knocked me out for hours. I took 3 hits of the stuff while I was in the ER.

I don't remember much while I was laying around, drugged up... until after the awkward CT scan. The ER doctor looked at it and came to tell me he wanted a surgeon consult on it. I was like... you want a WHAT? I started to panic, not going to lie. The nurse came into my room and started filling out paperwork with me. She gently told me that there was a 90% chance I was going into emergency surgery today.

Yeah, that would be because my appendix walls were swollen and were showing signs of appendicitis.

Of course. At this point, it was about 3pm and I was starting to think a little clearer. I was alone. I deseprately wanted someone with me. I started texting people and it became clear that there was the storm of the century. It was basically dangerous and impossible for someone to get to the ER to be with me.

At 5pm I went into surgery. I should spare you the details of me having anxiety attacks, and asking the male nurse in the OR to hold my hand. Oh, and that I had to be SEDATED because I refused to let them put the anesthesia mask on me. Yeah, I was basically repeating, "I wish my mom was here. I'm alone, I want my mom here."

I woke up about 3 hours later and was told everything went well. My pain was about a 3, which was fantastic!! The recovery nurse finally released me into my own room for the night, where I had to wear an oxygen mask because I was having some post operation anxiety. However, the oxygen mask was making me MORE anxious. AHHHH. The floor nurse had to put me back to sleep so I would keep it on for the whole mandatory hour.

Haha. Oh me.

The rest of my stay was laying in a bed, getting IV fluids, and being woken up at all hours of the night. I begged for food and was informed that I couldn't have the slab of ribs I desired. The nurse politely informed me that removing my appendix meant my digestive system was changed. Everything had a different route to take and it was going to take a few days for my body to adjust to fats, so I had to stay away from them.

I sucked down ice chips (because they're filling?) Oh, and because the breathing tube scratched up my throat. That was all I could eat for the night. Yum!

Luckily for me, the doctor released me at 12pm and Mike was able to pick me up after finding his car under the piles of snow. Him and Nicole were amazing for picking me up and returning me to my apartment!

So, were you really wondering where I've been? Well, like it or not, I just gave you MANY details about it!!! Haha well, for whatever reason, you read the whole thing! :P Hopefully I can get back on top of my other posts I was writing and get my strength back! It's been 13 days since surgery and I'm finally feeling better!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

What a crazy story! So happy to hear that you are healing. I can't believe its been 13 days!