
February 14, 2011

Answering your questions

I have been getting very similar questions as I have been recovering. Incase you have been wondering them... here they are.

Q: How did you get appendicitis?
A: According to the doctor and my own research, it just happens. Something got stuck in there and started to back things up. As that happened, it became more and more swollen, eventually leading to it rupturing. Luckily for me, I had it removed before that happened.

Q: What symptoms were there?
A: Besides the intense abdominal pain, I also had chills and a climbing fever. It started at 98.2 degrees at 5am and by 10am, I was at 102.5 degrees

Q: How did they remove it?
A: I had my first larthriscopic surgery!. I have 3 small scars. Two small ones where they sucked out the appendix and 1 larger one where the camera went in

Q: How has recovery been?
A: Well, the largest struggle has been my lack of appetite. It's a common recovery symptom. I literally have not been hungry for going on 14 days. It sucks, but soon it'll come back. Also, the large scar for the camera has been very painful. It's in a different spot that usual, so it's taking longer to heal. I'm also very tired and get winded easily, but that is partially because I haven't been eating.

Q: How long are you out of work?
A: I was told to avoid going to work for about a week, until I saw the surgeon again. He wrote me out for another few days because of the camera scar

Q: Does it feel different?
A: Ha. This one makes me laugh. No, I don't notice that I am missing an internal organ. I did lose 1.5 pounds the day after surgery from the lack of food and the appendix being removed. The only thing that feels different is the lack of energy.

Do you have any questions I didn't answer? Hit me up!

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