
October 21, 2009


Something that I may have mentioned in this blog, or maybe just in person is the GLACURH conference that I am attending in November. I applied to be part of the ISU delegation and I was accepted! I am PUMPED to go, conferences are a blast. :) This conference, GLACURH, stands for Great Lakes Affiliates of Colleges and Universities Residence Halls. This means students from all around the states of Michigan, Ontairo, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana come together to discuss leadership within the residence halls.

One part of conferences is going to programs. Programs are put on by delegates like me, and we learn from each other. Then there's fun time where we get to know each other (entertainment like a dance, a high ropes course, etc etc). And one of the most exciting parts is the banquet. Last year ISU bid for Large School of the Year and we won. :D

This year we are bidding for Student of the Year and Student Award for Leadership Training (SALT). I worked on the SALT bid with a few other people, and it took up A LOT of my time, let me tell you!

I talk about it a lot, but what does it look like? If you go here, you can see it. I have uploaded it to a free hosting website. Just download it and you'll see 20 pages of goodness! Haha.... I'm just kidding, :-P

It took me about 3 days straight (and I mean straight) to assemble all those pieces and format them. I am crossing my fingers that we come home with another award this year!

Let me know what you think!

1 comment:

AmyLuvsTrees said...
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