
October 23, 2009

Corsages and Boutineeres

This week in my floral design class, we made corsages and boutineeres! We also talked about wearing flowers in the lecture. It was VERY interesting... maybe because a certain "cousin" of mine is getting married in July!!! Even though I wont be making them... I loved learning about it. :)

These pictures are pretty bad for some reason... blurry and the colors are out of focus... but here they are!

We made this first... and the professor did not realize how big the foliage was going to be, so the carnation is a bit tiny. Its hard to see, but there is a small green wire that's supposed to accent it (sort of failed) lol

We also made a corsage in class. This one is actually pinned on the wrong side of the shirt, its supposed to be on the left side... its form is to frame the face. I know the colors are sort of off, again.. limited materials.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Stephanie H said...

Very pretty! You did a nice job. Although I agree the foliage is a bit out of control in the first one! =)