
March 3, 2012

Christmas Day 2011

Thought you were almost done, huh? Sorry, but there's one more post to go about Christmas!! I can't forget about Christmas Day, can I?

As I mentioned previously, I started to get sick on Christmas Eve. To make matters worse, I had to get up and feed the livestock at the farm that morning. I was looking forward to a quiet morning, snow on the ground, and happy, peaceful animals. Wellll, few of those actually happened. It was FREEZING outside that morning and I think I stopped to blow my nose about 100 times. Blowing snot out of my nose sort of killed the peaceful mood I had hoped for. :) Luckily the animals were perfectly happy and peaceful that morning.

When I got home that morning, everyone was still sleeping, so I dove back into bed to warm up. I willed myself to stay awake... or I knew I would pass out and be asleep for hours!

A little while later, everyone work up and were ready to celebrate. Christmas mornings are always wonderful with my family!

Our Christmas tree on Christmas morning!

Picture of me coming down for the morning... with a box of tissues for my wicked cold!


Haha, Doug and his famous expressions

This isn't particularly a good picture of me, but I got a Kindle Fire and was SO EXCITED!

Doug got a paintball gun!
We finished off the day with a delicious dinner with my grandparents. I am definitely luck to have such memorable Christmases and an equally generous family!

How were your holidays?

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