
March 18, 2012

Farm Visit with Wael

What a wonderful New Year's Eve!! We woke up late in the morning and hung out for awhile. We ate some breakfast and while Erin was showering, we realized it was snowing! Wael has never seen snow before!!!

Stephanie had Wael go outside to take a picture in it. Except you can't really see the snow... but we know it was snowing during this picture haha
After eating some breakfast, Erin, Wael, and I left Stephanie's house and traveled back to our hometown. I immediately jumped into the shower and took a long nap. Ahhh it was nice to relax after an exciting night! Apparently we couldn't get enough of each other because that night, we got back together at Stephanie's house for our traditional game night! Bridget and Tony joined us for a hilarious time.

For some reason LMFAO's music video for "Sexy and I know it" came up in convo and we watched it on Adam's new iPad!  It was HILARIOUS

Something is cracking me up. We did a lot of laughing that night

We have no pictures of us actually playing games... but we sure documented us drinking! Jello shots!

We definitely had a great time. I love game night! What did we actually play? I can't even remember the names of the games, but they were so fun. That night, I crashed (again) on my beloved futon. I'm lucky to have such gracious hosts who let me stay over all the time!

The fun didn't end there! The next morning, Erin, Wael, and I went to the farm to check it out. I pretty much love anything having to do with the farm and I was excited to show Wael all about it! He has heard about "the farm" and needing to go "feed" so I wanted to show him what I was talking about all of the time.

Wael and Erin posing in front of the farm. It was freezing!!!!

We ventured into the barn first to meet some of the cattle. Otto was excited to say hi!

Wael wasn't sure about the large steer, but they got along just great. :)

"Why you no bring me food?!?"
The newest cow to our heard is Bertha. I wanted her to come say hi but she is pretty shy. She didn't leave the spot she was standing in here!

We went upstairs in the barn to show what it looked like. I show them what some of the food looked like!

Our next stop was the horses in pasture. I brought Prince over to say hi

The wonderful couple meeting Price!!!

No one else wanted a picture with the pigs, but we did visit them. :)
Of course we picked the coldest day of our winter! We were freezing! But I think Wael enjoyed seeing the animals. Maybe in August we can go back when it's not freezing cold! He said in July we could possibly go horse back riding in Cairo!

Can't wait until he is back for another visit!!

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