
February 9, 2010

1st of the Month

My plan, on the 1st of every month, was to revisit my New Year's Resolutions to see how I'm doing! I was hoping it would be more of an encouragement to keep on track. :) The first of February had me sniffly and miserable, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to catch back up and visit them now. :)

Ok, so below are the resolutions I came up with for 2010!
  • Be more on time: I am not ALWAYS late or INCREDIBLY late, but I need to work on it in general. I'm known for breezing in just a few minutes late :\
  • Shrug it off: As EVERYONE knows, I worry about everything-all the time-all day. I plan on letting the small things go. It'll help me so much to not worry so much!
  • Swear less: I don't cuss like a sailor, but I do need to work on my language a little!
  • Say no: I'm not sure how successful this one will be, but sometimes I get so stressed out because I cannot learn how to say no to people. This is my attempt to look out for myself a little more!
And here are my assessments as of February 1st of how I am doing!
  • Be more on time: I am doing really well with this one!! I haven't been late to class at all yet! And, on top of that, I have only been late to 1 meeting. And that was because I lost track of time at work. I need to keep a better eye on the time. Now, I hope I can start showing up EARLY instead of just "on time"
  • Shrug it off: Hmmm, I think improvement on this one is a little (a lot) less than being more on time. There have been quite a few little things that have gone on this semester that have bothered me... but on the upside of things - there have been a few that I HAVE shrugged off. I need to a lot more work on this one!
  • Swear less: Haha, I almost forgot I had this resolution. In every day business, I have done a little better. But when I am frustrated or pressed for time, I tend to drop a few unlady-like words. Need to keep this one in mind
  • Say no: Fail. F. A. I. L. fail. FAIL. failfail. I am doing horribly with this one. Since January 11th, I have joined 3 new committees and picked up a second job. I need to figure out a new way to say no and work towards a little free time. :P Haha ohhhh boy!
This has been good! Now, my resolutions are in the front of my mind... let's hope March 1st brings some new improvements. :)

1 comment:

Stephanie H said...

One month in and you have made some progress! That is pretty awesome!