
February 8, 2015

Things I'll Miss

Just doing some more writing to get the thoughts out of my head and onto paper. I am having such a hard time sleeping so I'm back at it. Maybe this will help since I've in a selfish phase of mourning. 

Things I'll miss about Grandma Lu: 
1. Christmas Eve
2. Doing the dishes for her and fighting about it every time
3. My birthday dinners 
4. She will never get to see my house again
5. Doing yard work together
6. Eating Portillos together 
7. She won't get to see me get married or have kids
8. Watching her and Leia interact together 
9. Driving in her car together... And me white knuckling the door handle as she drove rather recklessly
10. Her hugs and kisses on the cheek
11. Her smell
12. Going to the mausoleum together on holidays 
13. Listening to her update us on the extended side of the family
14. Eating her pasta and gravy
15. Any holiday at her house
16. Christmas Day at my parents' house
17. Getting manicures together 
18. Getting cards in the mail from her for holidays or birthdays
19. Joking around about having to eat jello 
20. Her laugh and smile when she saw any of her grandchildren

That's quite the list. Maybe writing it down will help it from swirling around in my head at night. 

Miss you Grandma. 

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