
March 27, 2010


Have I mentioned this? I am basically so FREAKING EXCITED about it, that I have to say SOMETHING!!!!

Last summer, Stephanie called me at some obscene hour. I was at ISU serving my 30 days on campus for my VP position. Well, don't give me too much credit, I wasn't doing work when she called me, I was definitely watching the George Lopez show. At the time, I was searching for a snack and fiddling with the AC in the room and my phone went off.

What the heck? It was almost 10pm.

I went over to look at the caller ID. Steph. OH CRAP, what happened?!?!

I picked up the phone, my heart was racing..... what happened to have her call me at this hour? I thought she was on a vacation?!?!?! "Hello.....?"

"Amy!!!! Do you have a minute?"
"... Yes...?"

Ok, there were more words involved in this conversation, but I cant remember them because I was internally screaming from excitement!!! FINALLY!!!!! I blurbed out about 10098340283 more questions and she answered all of them. I was on cloud nine! I love Adam and am SO GLAD he proposed to her!

The summer went on and I had about 1 million more questions about the wedding, I just wanted to know everything, this is so exciting! The last wedding I stood up in, I was 5 years old. :) And if you wanted to know, yes, I rocked that flower girl role!

However, I had no idea that Stephanie was planning something all along.... to ask me to be one of her bridesmaids! Here was my reaction:


Yeah, that indicates speechless-ness! I am SO honored to be apart of her big day. Let's face it, I was already ecstatic to be invited as a guest to her wedding, but to be apart of it in this way? It brought tears to my eyes. Looking back on it, I am especially amused because I was grilling her for hints on who her bridal party was going to be! She must have had a hard time changing the subject!

Here is the adorable puzzle she made for each of her bridesmaids to ask them to stand up in her wedding! It's hanging up in my room on my wall because I just love looking at it!!

Since then, I have been so excited to help with the planning. There have been Save the Dates, dress shopping, invitation making, bridal shower planning.... it's been so great!!! Stephanie likes to keep things under wraps about the wedding plans so people are surprised and in awe when they come. So, I would REALLY like to post a picture of the bridesmaid dresses or even describe the beautiful invitations, but I wont. :) Instead, here is all I can show you of what the wedding:

My feet. :) I picked out the shoes I want to wear for the wedding!!! Haha, so yes, just imagine the rest of the outfit - it's much classier than my rolled up jeans and chipped toe nail polish!!

I cannot wait for July 10th, because it's going to be one of the most beautiful days ever!!! :) I'm so excited!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I'm so excited that you are so excited! And seriously those shoes are adorable.