
December 29, 2012

Fall mums, everywhere!

I mentioned in a previous post that at work, I did a LOT of mum planting for fall. In the past, there never seemed to be enough color for everyone, so since I started.... it was expected I would overload the district with mums. Talk about pressure! On top of that, it was our year to undergo a loss control review (analyze our safety procedures) and renew our agency accreditation. And when I saw renew, I mean to say that we hadn't been accredited for years.... so we were working hard for it this year!

Just a little pressure...

So here are a few pictures of the large mum plantings I put in this year. However, keep in mind that I took these pictures as the mums were expiring. Imagine healthier mums!

The walkway to our administration building. Lots of yellows and oranges!
Close up of the administration sign. I used a lot of kale in the designs and a lot of people were intrigued with them.

Close up of another planting near administration front door. I added pansies and kale around this planting. The pansies really took off!

There's also a random planter island near the admin building. I added kale, swiss chard, and pansies.

In front of a sign bed near our parking lot... threw some sage into this one.
This is a sad picture.... the ornamental grasses went dormant by the time I took this picture. It really was a nice display when I planted it!
Another area that started to die by the time I took a picture. The big mums were a beautiful pink color! The yellow mums were scattered around some Halloween decorations for a Halloween event we host.
I also did some fall barrel arrangements. Again, this looked way better a few weeks earlier!

I sadly did not get pictures of the other areas I planted before they looked awful. I learned a lot from this experience... first of all, I need to plan a LOT EARLIER, and I need more dramatic designs. I went very conservative and I feel like it could have been a lot better. Hopefully next year I will have better pictures. :)

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