
June 20, 2011

I'm not flippin' you off....

But I slammed my finger in a door!

Back in March I mentioned in my post called "I like to slam my fingers in doors" that I accidentally slammed my finger in a residence hall door. It looked like this the night after:

It was lovely! As it started to heal, I noticed that my nail was getting funky looking. I got sensation back and could type, use the computer mouse, and text just fine within a week or so. I used the brace for awhile, and then was able to move it without any more pain. I thought things were getting back to normal. But still... the nail was looking funky! Like this...

The blue part seemed to be spreading... this was about a month after the slammage. Hmm. Not long after this picture, the pain started to come back. Almost as severe as when I slammed it in the door. I started to freak out about my fingernail spontaneously falling off, so I went to the doctor to be sure.

That appointment was interesting. I explained what I did and he actually laughed at the situation. It's ok, I really liked this doctor, lol. When he started to take a look at it and considered draining the blood from under the nail. To be sure that was the best idea, he asked an associate for a second opinion. And the associate decided that it was worthless since the injury was a month old. However, they did notice that I couldn't bend it all the way down and it was hyper extending. I honestly didn't even notice it was a problem!

They left the room for a bit and my doctor came back in. Concerning my finger nail, he blatantly informed me that I was going to lose the nail and there's nothing he could do about it. I turned to him and said, "Look doc, I do NOT want to wake up in the middle of the night with my fingernail laying next to me in bed. That horrifies me."

He laughed again.

But seriously, he apologized because removing it that day would be more painful then letting it fall off. *sigh* Then he gave me a few exercises for my finger to get the motion back. If not... arthritis will set in and surgery is a major option. Eek!

I won't put any pictures on here of what the nail looked like as we started trimming it, or how it currently looks NAILLESS (yes, it is finally gone, and now I look all gnarly!) because I don't want to scare away my very loyal readers. :)

What injury should we go for next? Hehe....

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